When is Carers Week 2022?

27 May , 2022 Carers News

When is Carers Week 2022?


This year’s carers week runs from the 6th to the 12th June. Carers Week is a yearly campaign to aims to raise awareness of the issues surrounding caring in the UK.



The theme for Carers Week 2022 is “Make caring visible, valued and supported”. Currently, it is estimated that around 1 in 8 people in the UK are a carer for someone, whether that’s by employment or (more often) as an unpaid carer for a family member or friend. Despite carers making up such a large percentage of the population, it can be an incredibly lonely and isolating role to take on.

Carers Week aim is to ensure the challenges of caring are recognised, and the proper support put in place for all carers whenever and wherever they need it.

You can read more about what exactly the campaign is about over at the Carers Week website.

How can I get involved?

There are many ways you could get involved in Carers Week. You could:

  • Simply share awareness of the event on your social media
  • Fundraise for a carers organisation such as Carers Week or Carers UK
  • Attend a ‘Care for a Cuppa’ event
  • Host a ‘Carers Celebration’ day
  • Join a virtual ‘Carers Tips’ session

There are a huge range of activities you can get involved in across Carers Week, from pampering sessions and well-being, to get some helpful information on being a carer and exactly what that involves.

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